Omaha Car Accident Lawyer
One such case took place over a year ago in Omaha, Nebraska. Demerath personal injury attorney omaha, Matthew Demerath and his partner’s son, Cooper Demerath were on their way home from the grocery when they had to swerve across lanes of speeding vehicles to avoid a truck that was making an illegal left hand turn. Cooper was severely injured and suffered a broken leg as a result of this accident. Matthew suffered lacerations to his neck and back as well as bruising and stress after having to witness this accident. Both suffered permanent damage to their bodies as a result of this accident.
Facts About Your Omaha Car Accident Lawyer
“Truck and car crashes occur way too frequently. That’s why you should always get a good Omaha car accident lawyer.” Omaha, Nebraska is known to have some of the nation’s worst car crashes, and the lawyers that working these cases know what to do in order to get the money that they are owed for your safety.
Demerath and Matthew were not required to have any auto insurance, but were required to have their own policy in order to pay for the damages that Matthew suffered. Demerath’s personal injury attorney, Matthew Demerath, now represents Cooper Demerath, who was only able to work after having surgery to correct his torn back muscles. Cooper Demerath is currently recuperating at home, but is expecting to return to work within the next few weeks. Due to the lack of legal coverage, Matthew Demerath and his family were not able to obtain any form of financial assistance from either their job or their parents. Due to the negligence of the trucking company, Matthew and his family have received compensation from the insurance company that was responsible for the accident.